A Calming Journey: Embracing Mindfulness and Imagining Endless Possibilities

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 193 “Imagine all the possibilities.” Think about explorers, pioneers, and adventurers. Without imagination, the world we know today, would not exist. These people who came before us looked at the land, the tools they used, and their lifestyle and wanted to improve their existence. You tooContinue reading “A Calming Journey: Embracing Mindfulness and Imagining Endless Possibilities”

Mindfulness: Dive into the Wonder

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 143 “Dive into the wonder of night.” Dive into the wonder that is you.  Seek out your deep dark places and you may be surprised what you will find.  You are a pool of talent and delight.  Find some peace so you can let yourself goContinue reading “Mindfulness: Dive into the Wonder”

Mindfulness: Head in The Clouds

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 130. “Sometimes it’s fun to have your head in the clouds.” Yes, get your head in the clouds and daydream.  Step outside today or tonight and look up! Let your body relax. The muscles that have been looking down all day need the exercise in anotherContinue reading “Mindfulness: Head in The Clouds”

Mindfulness: Into the Mystic

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 73. “Do you believe in fairies?”Do you believe in the mystic? What do you think of others who believe that anything is possible? Let me ask you, have you had things happen to you that are inexplicable? Have you ever seen or dreamt of an apparition,Continue reading “Mindfulness: Into the Mystic”

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