Cloud Gazing Wonders: Embracing Mindful Observation for Hidden Delights

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 201 “Can you see a face in the clouds?” Embark on a whimsical journey of discovering hidden faces in everyday places, particularly in the ever-changing canvas of the clouds. Unlock your childlike imagination and let your eyes perceive beyond the obvious, as we delve into theContinue reading “Cloud Gazing Wonders: Embracing Mindful Observation for Hidden Delights”

Mindfulness: Lightning Strike

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 160 “It may only be once, but lightning can strike.” No matter how big or how small, the lightning strike is powerful.  Maybe it is the job you’ve always wanted, maybe it is the break you’ve been waiting for, maybe it’s the love that you’ve hopedContinue reading “Mindfulness: Lightning Strike”

Mindfulness: Improve Your Mood

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 138. “Look up and improve your mood.” It really can be this simple, when we allow it. Physically look up will help you improve your mood, whether it is seeing another face smile back at you or seeing the sun or starts above you, pick upContinue reading “Mindfulness: Improve Your Mood”

Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 110. “Lay in the grass and watch the trees and sky above you.” Bring your childlike curiosity to the forefront and look up past the trees into the big blue sky. It is easy to get caught up on your phone all the time; put itContinue reading “Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above”

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