Upstream Resilience: Embracing Your Course to a Fulfilling Life

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 200 “It may take awhile but the up stream swim can be rewarding.” Welcome to a very special episode, a milestone, our 200th episode. As a mindfulness mentor, I am here to provide guidance, encouragement, and set an example for your personal growth. It may takeContinue reading “Upstream Resilience: Embracing Your Course to a Fulfilling Life”

Solitude Serenity: Embracing Mindfulness in Early Morning Alone Time

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 196 “Enjoy early morning alone time.” Embrace the beauty and tranquility of early morning alone time. Our moments are precious, explore the benefits of carving out precious time for yourself before the world awakens. Discover the magic of a serene sunrise, the gentle symphony of nature’sContinue reading “Solitude Serenity: Embracing Mindfulness in Early Morning Alone Time”

Embracing the Adventure: Mindfulness for a Bright Tomorrow

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 195 “Tomorrow will be another adventure.” On this tranquil journey, explore mindfulness in embracing the adventure that lies ahead. Just like the calming sunset, mindfulness can bring peace and serenity to our lives, allowing us to navigate the unknown with grace and optimism. Cultivate inner tranquility,Continue reading “Embracing the Adventure: Mindfulness for a Bright Tomorrow”

Finding Hope in the Endless Waves: Exploring Mindfulness and Renewed Possibilities

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 192 “Hope can be be found in the endless waves of the ocean.” Embark on a journey of discovery as we dive into the concept of finding hope in the endless waves. Explore the transformative power of mindfulness and its ability to open our hearts andContinue reading “Finding Hope in the Endless Waves: Exploring Mindfulness and Renewed Possibilities”

Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness: Let it Go and Embrace the Flow

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 191 “Let It Go and See What Happens Next.” Join this episode to delve into the power of mindfulness and explore the concept of letting go and embracing the flow. In a world where we often feel the need to control every moment and outcome, itContinue reading “Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness: Let it Go and Embrace the Flow”

Journey of Discovery: Mindfulness and the Time to Explore

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 182 “Time to explore.” This is your life, take some time to explore. Exploring can mean many things, it can be out there in the world or it can be by yourself, doing some things that you have been wanting to do. Connect with others. MeetContinue reading “Journey of Discovery: Mindfulness and the Time to Explore”

Mindfulness: Showers to Flowers

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 171 “April showers bring May flowers.” An analogy not only for the spring turning into summer in the Northern Hemisphere but for life.  One concept is that you are literally stuck due to the rain, but once the rain finishes, you will be surrounded by beauty.  AnotherContinue reading “Mindfulness: Showers to Flowers”

Mindfulness: Be the Person You Want to Be

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 127. “Be the person you want to be.” When you wake in the morning and look in the mirror, do you see the person you want to be?  If the answer is yes, great! If the answer is no, let’s work on it.  You know thatContinue reading “Mindfulness: Be the Person You Want to Be”

Mindfulness: Journey into Your Heart

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 120. “Take a journey into your heart.” You are the keeper of your heart, get to know yourself first. You must find that love for yourself before you can full or truly love any one else. Your early caretakers were showing you all about all theContinue reading “Mindfulness: Journey into Your Heart”

Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 110. “Lay in the grass and watch the trees and sky above you.” Bring your childlike curiosity to the forefront and look up past the trees into the big blue sky. It is easy to get caught up on your phone all the time; put itContinue reading “Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above”

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