Embracing Playfulness: Mindful Connection with Your Inner Child and Rediscover the Joy of Life

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 198 “Play when you get the chance.” Life often becomes serious and demanding, but it is important to reconnect with our inner child and embrace the spirit of playfulness. Rediscover how playing can bring laughter, spontaneity, and a sense of freedom into your life. Even forContinue reading “Embracing Playfulness: Mindful Connection with Your Inner Child and Rediscover the Joy of Life”

Mindfulness: Let Your Creativity Flow

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 128. “Let your creativity flow.” Has someone told you that you were not smart enough, not talented enough, or maybe even to get “a real job” and get your head out of the clouds?  Well guess what, you can’t live with that hanging over you forContinue reading “Mindfulness: Let Your Creativity Flow”

Mindfulness: Magical

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 119. “Fountains are as magical as the nature around them.” Fountains are just one example of something we find magic, a creation.  Where do these creations come from, us, our imagination; because we are magical creatures of nature.  Thing are happening all around us in natureContinue reading “Mindfulness: Magical”

Mindfulness: Being An Observer

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 117. “You can learn by being an observer.” Look it’s a cloud, it’s a plane, it’s an asteroid. Look up!  Take notice of all the things and the way they have become “norms” in your daily life.  Which way does the door open, which side isContinue reading “Mindfulness: Being An Observer”

Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 110. “Lay in the grass and watch the trees and sky above you.” Bring your childlike curiosity to the forefront and look up past the trees into the big blue sky. It is easy to get caught up on your phone all the time; put itContinue reading “Mindfulness: Watch the Sky Above”

Mindfulness: Tiny Details of Inspiration

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 96. “Tiny details can hold beauty and inspiration.” Stop and look at the tiny details that are created in: someone’s life work, an artisan work, a craftsman’s work. Antiques have told stories through the ages. These works are often created for the enjoyment of others. ArtisansContinue reading “Mindfulness: Tiny Details of Inspiration”

Mindfulness: Creativity All Around

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 44. 10 minute mindfulness: “Art is a creation to behold.” We are surround by creations everyday.  Someone’s art has ‘come to life’ and sometimes we notice it and sometimes we don’t.  Head to an art museum, notice the way houses or building are built, notice aContinue reading “Mindfulness: Creativity All Around”

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