Manifesting Your Ideal Lifestyle: Exploring Mindfulness and Finances

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 194 “What lifestyle do you want to achieve?” On this soothing voyage, we delve into the power of mindfulness and manifestation. You can have all the tangible items you want, but it takes willpower and focus. Listen to this episode for some tips and techniques ofContinue reading “Manifesting Your Ideal Lifestyle: Exploring Mindfulness and Finances”

Mindfulness: Luxurious Life

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 162 “Treat yourself to a bit of luxury.” You may be a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, or a billionaire or maybe you are just trying to get by. How you perceive luxury can be very different. What are the things in life you really enjoy? Do somethingContinue reading “Mindfulness: Luxurious Life”

Mindfulness: Your Breath, How Breathing Works with Mindfulness

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 153  “Take a mindful moment and feel the breath you take.”  Every breath you take, sounds like a good song, is important to your life just like your heartbeat. Listen to this episode for some basic information of breathing, while being mindful, learning to meditate, andContinue reading “Mindfulness: Your Breath, How Breathing Works with Mindfulness”

Mindfulness: While you “DO”…”LIVE”

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 123. “While you are busy trying to “do”, remember to “live”. This is a lesson to learn how to be mindful.  You can be aware and mindful in your daily life, even when you think you do not have time.  Awaken your senses and make itContinue reading “Mindfulness: While you “DO”…”LIVE””

Mindfulness: Emerge

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 57. 10 minute mindfulness: “Emerge.” My friend it is time to emerge! Come on outside and play. Put your fears aside and let the you, that you have always wanted to be, come out. Find the true you, the authentic self, that was there at 9Continue reading “Mindfulness: Emerge”

Mindfulness: Watch the Flow of Life

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 53. 10 minute mindfulness: “Stand still for a moment and watch life flow around you.” Slow down and watch all that is around you.  Watch people in their day; are they rushing, taking life slowly, observant, like you? Go into nature, or watch out your windowContinue reading “Mindfulness: Watch the Flow of Life”

Mindfulness: Celebrate YOU

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 51. 10 minute mindfulness: “Celebrate!” Celebrate your accomplishments.  Light yourself and candle and pat yourself on the back you did it,…whatever it may be, you did it! The video for this episode was a celebration that we made our first 50 videos and publish every Monday,Continue reading “Mindfulness: Celebrate YOU”

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