Finding Hope in the Endless Waves: Exploring Mindfulness and Renewed Possibilities

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 192 “Hope can be be found in the endless waves of the ocean.” Embark on a journey of discovery as we dive into the concept of finding hope in the endless waves. Explore the transformative power of mindfulness and its ability to open our hearts andContinue reading “Finding Hope in the Endless Waves: Exploring Mindfulness and Renewed Possibilities”

Journey of Discovery: Mindfulness and the Time to Explore

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 182 “Time to explore.” This is your life, take some time to explore. Exploring can mean many things, it can be out there in the world or it can be by yourself, doing some things that you have been wanting to do. Connect with others. MeetContinue reading “Journey of Discovery: Mindfulness and the Time to Explore”

Mindfulness: Go Exploring

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 133. “Go exploring.” There are some people who have never left their town, county, territory, or state.  If that is you, and I don’t think it is, go exploring. If you know someone who likes to explore, get together and make some fun exciting memories.  TheContinue reading “Mindfulness: Go Exploring”

Mindfulness: Get Out and Explore History

One Minute Calm: Walk and Talk with Avalon Episode 86. “Get out and explore.” No more excuses, of any kind, you need to get out and explore.  You need to get on that bus, get on the plane, get on the train, get in a car, and go explore.  Is there a trip you’ve waitedContinue reading “Mindfulness: Get Out and Explore History”

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